Drache Aptowitzer LLP

The Brief

Drache Aptowitzer LLP are tax experts that have significant expertise helping individuals and corporations resolving disputes with the Canada Revenue Agency over tax owing. Drache Aptowitzer LLP had a website that was build from a few years back but it needed a refresh. Not only did the website need a new design but their website wasn't showing up on Google. They also needed a client area where they could upload important files for their clients to download at anytime.

The Approach

My team and I designed a new look and feel to catch the eye of the website users but also to give a better flow to their services pages. We did SEO on page optimizations to help their rankings on Google. We also did some on-page SEO techniques to increase the domain ranking so their website will get more visibility.

The Result

Drache Aptowitzer LLP are very happy with their new website and now they have a place to store client files and their clients can access them at anytime. Checkout Drache Aptowitzer LLP

Free SEO Audit

Have your website reviewed by Ryan and find out how your site is ranking and what's holding it back from ranking in the first position.